Sometimes finding time is half the battle

There are 24 hours in a day. 8 of those are consumed by work. another 8 are taken by sleep. And well the other 8 seem to disappear. When you bring it down in to this basic level, it is difficult to understand why you don’t have time for whatever. Yes, life is busy at … Continue reading “Sometimes finding time is half the battle”

There are 24 hours in a day. 8 of those are consumed by work. another 8 are taken by sleep. And well the other 8 seem to disappear. When you bring it down in to this basic level, it is difficult to understand why you don’t have time for whatever. Yes, life is busy at times. And often outside factors tend to control most of our time. But what I am wondering is this, even if you allowed for you time, would you still feel overwhelmed? Would there be something else forcing you to attend to it? Would that deadline still require you to work later than you normally would? 

I don’t claim to have all the answers. Shoot, I don’t claim even to know what I’m talking about. But what I do do is this, I think. I think about how things could be if given the right circumstances. I think about what would happen if everyone would care just a little bit. And I wonder what I could do if I valued my time better.

Minutes tick by as I talk about committing. The day turns to night and what I wanted to accomplish is still sitting in draft form. The days turn to weeks and my resume is still blank. Weeks eventually turn to months and I still find that I’m seeking to change things. Months past and form years of me wishing how things could have been. And you know what, there will become a day where I look back and wonder what would have been if I had just found the time.

What problems could I have fixed if I took the few minutes to think about the solution? How much happier would those around me be if I took the time to relax and spend it enjoying their company? I think it’s time to refocus my efforts on what matters. And find time to enjoy the things and those around me.