Here's the problem, we think we're too smart. Honestly we live in a society that places great importance on being the best. Having fortunes. Being successful. Yet we're anywhere from it. I get it no one likes to be on the bottom. But honestly, we deserve to be there. If everyone were CEOs we would have no one to do the work. I know, I get it, as we progress from the Industrial Age into the Technological Age, the requirements for knowledge has to increase. Now manufacturing jobs are elsewhere, being accomplished by others, while we work in offices developing websites or working a financial planners. But the same hold true. Regardless of the work, not everyone can be the CEO.
Here's what happens when you empower everyone, they become entitled SOBs that don't know the job. Whether it is a fast burner for promotions or the new hire for the position, we think too lofty of ourselves. Hold on, I now you're thinking, "what about you?" Yep I'm in this as well. I hold no degrees. I have no certificates. Hell I fail at writing a complete sentence! But I understand this. I will be the first to admit my faults. Moving on. Day in and day out we complete tasks. We learn a little bit here or there to progress forward. Yet we never really master that task. That next spot opens where you make more money. Someone suggest you apply because you would be a good fit. You won't be. You see, you barley were able to achieve what you did in the last position. Your skills are not honed. Your attitude is skewed. Your pretentious. And you know what, you'll succeed. Why? Because your marketable. You can sell your "skills" to the interviewer. You can talk your way in. And while your in, you can coast along while others carry your load. And why? Because society told you, you were something.