The Creative Process

The creativity is difficult. Often times I wonder if what I create is worth someones time? Is it worth the few minutes that they would spend on the site? Everything is buying for our time, what can I do to secure just a faction of that time? Billboards, radio stations, and everything else want us … Continue reading “The Creative Process”

The creativity is difficult. Often times I wonder if what I create is worth someones time? Is it worth the few minutes that they would spend on the site? Everything is buying for our time, what can I do to secure just a faction of that time? Billboards, radio stations, and everything else want us to look or listen, but there is only so much time in the day, so something has to give. So what will it be? I know my time is spend listening to the radio and music, it spend some time surfing the net, but nothing that draws hours of my time.

How is it that site can have thousands, if not millions of site visits a day? Is it the content that they offer? Do the personalities on that site drive the traffic? What product are they offering? How can I make my site a site that has just one thousand visitors? Something has to drive it. It seems that content just needs to be created, regardless of the size or length, just something. The idea that less is more I don’t believe translate here. The more content that can be accessed and consumed is what drives the demand. YouTube if full of short meaningless videos, I know because I have several on the site, but it is the few who can create that have succeeded with millions of subscribers and tens of millions of views. And I don’t be like that the frequency of the content is what drives the response, it is simply the content that is produced. People have deemed it valuable enough to consume and share.

Within the here and now it seems that there is no original idea. Some have blatantly copied others, while some have expanded or simplified. But regardless there is some form of the original in the copy. But that is it, you have to do something that will set you apart, even if it is the same shtick. Or if you don’t have one like Seinfeld.