Have you ever disgusted something because of an event or reaction? Have you spread animosity towards a specific sect or business because of your experience? I believe I have found the origin of your distain, inconvenience. The inconvenience of something is the reason why people grow a certain displeasure towards something. Additionally, perception is also at play. With inconvenience and perception one can arrive at a conclusion of being wronged or hurt. All while in reality there is nothing except our own thoughts that have caused us alarm. With each passing thought we place ourselves into a distinct mindset that forces us towards ill will of a given person, place, concept or idea. All the while, inconvenience is merely subjective to the value we place on our time. Our time is valuable, so having to redo something we believe should have been accomplished the first time, forces us to evaluate our relationship towards that person, place, concept or idea. And it is through this that we come to the conclusion of being wronged or slighted in some way. However, in reality we are affected by various factors that are beyond our control, such as the stop lights on the way to the store or the line at the DMV that causes you to be late for your doctors apportionment.
But how can we change this? (Without being all mumbo jumboish.) Attitude. Our attitude have such a profound influence on the way we act and think. Relationships are nurtured or destroyed based on how we approach them. And likewise we can become successful or a failure based on how we allow something to affect us. Will I allow the something to have such a tremendous effect on me that it changes my outlook towards something. Honestly, yes. However that should not be the case. The choices I make throughout the day should be mine and mine alone. Yes I must react to everything as it happens and must allow for contingencies to take place. But when I look back on my day, I am the one that is responsible for the end. And sure I may be “wasting” my time having to redo something, but my attitude will be correct in that I have chosen to not allow such mundane events to force me one way or another.