A walk about

Today I spent the afternoon walking about the city. We checked out a few shop and even had lunch. It was a great day over all. One thing did strike me however. This one thing was to just relax. I didn’t have a care in the world this afternoon. Nothing could have been better. I … Continue reading “A walk about”

Today I spent the afternoon walking about the city. We checked out a few shop and even had lunch. It was a great day over all. One thing did strike me however. This one thing was to just relax. I didn’t have a care in the world this afternoon. Nothing could have been better. I wonder why it can be like this all the time. 

Why do the events of life seem to take such a toll on our happiness? It’s not as if the world is out seeking our demise. So what makes us get so caught up in the things that surround us that we look sight of what we enjoy?

I hear a lot about sphere of concern/influence and only try to control what we can. Some even go a step further and suggest that ever event is a direct result of our actions. I don’t see this as true. Sure you can change your immediate surroundings. and you can influence those you interact with. But there are somethings that are naturally going to fight the system. Actually, there are those things that are the system. I mean, the institutions that we have created in our society, workplaces, and even homes impact our environment and attitudes more than we tend to think. These areas work in such as was that rules and regulations begin to dictate everything that we do.

There is no longer room for creativity. Your opinion becomes moot. Eventually, the very institution that you have accepted, voids you of all worth. But yet people are full of ideas and creativity. People have given us what we have today and they still continue to progress into the future. Almost as if the universe was separating the world into those that work and those that create. And those that work allow those to create. 

There needs to be a balance. I would love to create. I would love to explore the world and experience all that it has to offer. But I need to survive, I need to support my family.

So, I will continue to do is play both sides. I will work until I no longer have too. And I will create until thats all I become. 
