Good For You

Good for you, you’ve finally found a way out. After a long road of scheming and posturing, you’re out. Great job! In the time you’ve spent escaping your responsibilities, we’ve maintained the status quo. Actually, we’ve probably seen regression on all fronts. Your commitment to the team has never really been there. Self serving ideas have perpetuated a cycle of big words and convoluted thought. Sure offering a book answer is great, but the inability to execute on those principles indicates your lack of true understanding.

You know the worst part, no one sees through your bullshit, But I do. Initial impressions were good. Others suggested otherwise, but I wanted to see first had; they were right. And overtime I’ve consciously gone out of my way to create distance. I understand now what the priority is, “me”. F$@k everyone else. But good, you’ve got it all figured out. Big plans to do big things. Come see me in ten years, I want to see the real progress. My prediction is, your rhetoric will get you places, but you’ll still be clueless.

In your wake, you have left utter nonsense. Inconsistent decision making has proven to be your greatest strength. The simple, fire from the hip, has left everyone confused. Yet you continue to seek assistance for even the smallest of things, thing you should understand already. You’re the guy everyone comes to cause you are in charge, yet you deferring other, because you haven’t the slightest idea on what to do. Well I’m done. I am no longer assisting you. You are where you are because of you. You have failed to help other and have been purely self seeking and I’m out. Good luck to you. Good luck in life. I hope you continue to thread the rhetoric in your web of chaos. Just know that one day you will found out. Others will begin to see the web you’ve spun.

You know the best part, people warned me about you. But I wanted to see for myself. Oh I’ve seen it. And looking back over time, I’ve seen it from the get go. Good luck to you friend. I hope you the best. I hope you can continue to fool others while you get ahead. But just know, I’ll be watching and waiting.