Peoples ability to affect others in such a way that is uniquely profound. Ones attitude can motivate or demotivate others to the point that the effected is no longer willing to try. Why is it that we as a society long and loath for the negative? Why is it that we are fascinated by the destruction or demises of others? Is there no good in society any longer? Negativity is a cancer within a group setting. A cancer that devours the masses. This just goes to show exactly how weak we actually are, that we will allow other’s negativity to effect our own lives. This behavior is detrimental to our existence. Sure we dwell on the negative more than the positive, but this shouldn’t be the case. I/you/we need to focus our energies on the positive. The glass is not half full or half empty, the glass simply has water in it. If you believe that you cannot change your outcome, your outcome will not change. Sure life isn’t fair. But what are you doing to change your life? I understand sometimes people make rash decisions to survive. Decisions that are necessary for their survival. And that is fine, those individuals have looked at their situations and have decided to change it. No longer do they focus their behaviors, attitudes, or emotions on their situation, rather they seek to better it. Ultimately, deciding to change their lives.
What we need is for our society to ignore the I cants and focus in the cans. Positive stories need to permeate the media outlets. Blogs of positive acts or stories need to be shared though social media. Our mindset and attitudes needs to change for the positive. We need to stop living out our lives in fear of the negative.
If I can leave you with something it would be this:
If you allow the negativity to harbor within you, you will never accomplish anything, you will simply continue to exist and be miserable. Change your outcome by changing your attitude. Then watch and see how differently you see the world anyhow you interact within it.